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Cedric "Pop" Gitchenko (Cedi), Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cedricgitchenko/

Homebase / Residency

Zurich-Airport, Switzerland and Nassau, Bahamas

Nationality / Language

Swiss & French Citizen / German, English and Frensh LPC Level 6/6/5


EASA ATPL, FI/FII/IRI, TRI/SeniorTRE and FE/IRE/FIE on SEA/LAND Airplanes Single & Mult Engine, MOU, Testpilot Category II, Flight Simulator Evaluator and Flight Verification Engineer.

FAA ATPL, CFI/CFII/MEI on SEA/LAND Airplanes Single & Mult Engine. 

Aruba, Bermuda, Cayman, IOM and San Marino Freelance Validation (all registraion)


Bombardier Challenge, Global Express Classic & Vision (5000 - 6500), Global 7500 Evaulation Team, Gulfstream GV, G550 & G650, SET like Pilatus PC-6/7/12/24, Cessna SET, KODIAK (SEA and LAND), LEAR 31A, L39, TBM, Beech 18, Bücker Jungmann, T-6, FI-156 and Helicopters- Flown 150+ different Types and over 18'000 hrs. 


M.Sc.ETHZ - Mechanical Engineering Degree (Flight Dynamics, Construction/CAD, Ecomics, Human Machine Design) at the Politechnical University of Zurich (ETH), Switzerland

Testpilot II at NTPS (USA), Flight Simulator Evaluator at CAAi (UK), Flight Verification Engineer and corporate Member of the Society of Experimental Testpilot

Train the Tranier - CRM Trainer, (Advanced) UPRT (ASP) Instructor. 


Andrin Gitchenko (Ände)

Homebase / Residency

Zurich-Airport, Switzerland

Nationality / Language

Swiss & French Citizen - German, French & English


EASA CPL frozen ATPL and FAA CPL (2025), Single and Multi Engine LAND and SEA, IR, Aerobatics, ADV UPRT, HPA and MCC. 


SEP and MEP LAND and SEA, especially Bucker Jungmann and Suhkoi 29, SET like PC6, PC7, PC12, KODIAK, Phenom 100/300, Global Express and one flight on the P51. 


International Car, Moto Bike and Boat License (since 2017)

British College (2015 - 2019), speciallized in Matehematics and Physics 

Deputy Nomitated Person for OPS and TRNG since 2017. Trained and qualified for NP OPS and TRNG under Swiss, Austrian and San Marino Law.

2019 & 2020 as CAD/CAM Designer and Flight Mechanics and Air Corviglia as Pilot.

Bachelor in Engineering  in Switzerland with adding EASA CPL frozen ATPL (2025).

Taregt: (Test-)Pilot, Aircraft Sales and any good (valued) Business - count me in! 


Torsten Geck

Homebase / Residency

 Frankfurt, but more and more a guest in Switzerland. 

Nationality / Language

 German, English and German. 


 Professional Technical Writer and CEO of TRS. Provides all regulatory framework for any operation with highly spezialized tools for the professional aviation induty. The number 1 stop for technical and professional documentation.  


 Former Lufthansa Pilot and Captain on several airplanes like A320/330/340 and A380.


Sven Lepschy

Homebase / Residency

West Palm Beach

Nationality / Language

 Dutch and US citizen, German and English. 


Accountable and compliance Manager, CEO of WACO Aircraft Corporation, President of the DIMOR Group and Pilot/ Instructor G650, G550, Phenom and Seaplanes. Former RIMOWA Vice President Electronic Tag, former Head of Training CAE, 



Dipl. Aircraft Engineer




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